Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Happy Birthday To Me

I feel like in the last 28 years I have gotten to know myself really well, although I still surprise myself every once and a while. In honor of my birthday here are a few things about me that you may or may not know…
  •  I still sleep with my baby blanket, it is completely tattered and doesn’t even resemble what it once was. My kitty blanket came from my Gma’s store she had in Delta and was the first of the kitty blanket brigade. My grandma started making them for the grand-daughters and just a few years ago she embroidered the kitties so I could make my darling Gigi her very own kitty blanket!
  •  I believe that being gay is not a choice. I secretly dream of a parallel universe where being gay is the dominant sexual orientation and being straight is a “sin” I wonder how they would feel about it being a choice.
  • I think that marijuana should be legal. When I move to San Diego I may or may not be getting a medical marijuana card.
  •  My favorite meal is probably scrambled egg whites with avocado and a slice of whole wheat bread, while Chad was living in San Diego I ate it at least 3x a week!
  • I love Disneyland!
  • I have to have 9 hours of sleep; my body is attempting to make up for all my single days of sleepless nights. That is the one thing I don’t miss about being single but on the other hand I was NEVER bored!
  • Birth Control makes me BAT SHIT CRAZY, don’t believe me ask my poor husband and my family! Even my sisters now fiancé has felt the wrath of Meg on BC.
  •  I sleep with 2 down comforters even in the summer.
  • There are just some things you don’t go cheap on, for me 2 things are toilet paper and bedding. If you have to use a mountain sized wad of TP and it only does a half-assed (hehe) job then saving a few bucks is NOT worth it. I don’t know about you but keeping that area as clean as possible is always a priority! As far as bedding goes synthetic fibers suck that is all.
  •  I am extremely sensitive; it is a blessing and a curse.
There you have it, Meg in a nutshell!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Chad and I are having a technological Valentines Day since he is a bajillion miles away this year.

I wait all year for Valentines, not because of the flowers or the candy or the hot steamy sex but it's when I get to watch Teen Girl Squad Episode 12 By: Strong Bad
Who ♥ed?


Last year I spent a lot of time on a cutesy card for Chad 

This year I bought a card and just wrote lots of dirty things in it, i'm willing to bet he liked this years card more and I barely had to go to any trouble since thinking of dirty things just comes natural to me.

Happy Valentimes Everybody!!


Friday, February 10, 2012

Things I hate today

My doctor and I have decided it was time to try and wean myself off of my anxiety meds, i'm still not sure why because I LOVE being medicated. Any way I start to notice the lack of meds running through my veins when I get really upset over small things. One of those things today was entering stupid verification codes online, This is an example although it is much better than the blurred mess of letters and numbers I encountered today after 4 attempts to put in the right sequence I threw my pen and muttered a string of swears. 5th time was a charm!

Dear people who say "anyhoo" if you know me and associate with me please refrain from using such language in my presence. Thank you.
