Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Valentine's Formal

The Friday night before Valentine's Day my girlfriends and I went to a Valentine party that some friends were throwing. I was just excited to dress up! I wish I had better pictures but they went all out, there was a table of nothing but candy (I hung out at that table most the night!) Spoon Me was there with frozen yogurt it was all decorated. They had it at Noah's which was a great venue for this event and what was even cooler is they made it into a Cancer Benefit, they charged $10 and the proceeds were donated to cancer research!


Megan said...

Looks like you had a good V-day. You look awesome, gorgeous as ever.

Ashly in CO said...

Meg--there's only one word to describe you in these pics: H-O-T!! Loves.

Rachel and Dan Schmalz said...

So much fun Meg!! Love your dress...you're one gorgeous chick!